Whenever I'm working with a client who is worried, distracted, stressed, rushed, hectic, or overwhelmed, it's usually a sign that their mind is full. Can you relate?
Most people have heard of being mindful but not everyone has adapted this practice. Mindfulness means being fully present. I've learned that when a person is fully present it's impossible to be rushed, distracted and hectic. While we cannot avoid stress and overwhelm, they are more easily managed when practicing mindfulness. The truth is, being mindful is a mental health PRACTICE. In other words, it takes intentional commitment. And, your mental health is worth it. There are a number of ways to start a mindful practice, and good news, you don't have to become a shaman to do this.
Look for an App on your phone like HeadSpace. Try this at bedtime and see if you are still awake before the recording is finished.
Discover YouTube videos with binaural beats or Tibetan singing bowls. The sounds are very peaceful; try to feel them within your body.
Check out a number of podcasts on this topic. Here is one that I'm enjoying right now: https://www.ithoughtiwasoverthis.com/pause-breath-work-body-scans-and-feeling-safe-ep01
I hope these tips have you feeling more relaxed, elevated and focused.
And, the next time you are feeling rushed, worried, hectic or stressed remember this:
Planning a conference for your company or organization?
I'm now scheduling Dare to Lead ™️ trainings and coaching programs for corporations, organizations and individuals. The curriculum is based on the research of Dr. Brenè Brown. I've been a certified facilitator since 2019. I've noticed a significant increase in demand in the past two years and have realized that excellent leaders are embracing these important principles now more than ever. If you're interested in a custom training program or individual coaching, get all the details HERE.